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TBLM型低压脉冲除尘器采用电磁脉冲阀直喷清灰先进技术,具有不停机检 修喷吹系统的特点,圆筒结构,离心切向进风,减轻设备阻力和滤袋负荷,平底 刮板下料.降低设备高度,广泛用于粮油、食品、化工、制药、水泥等行业常温 状态下的气尘分离和物料回收。

Model TBLM low pressure impulse dust collector has adopted advanced technology of electromagnetic impulse valve direct jets ash-cleaning. Maintaining the jetting and blowing system without halting features the machine. The cylinder structure and centrifugal tangential blowing reduce resistance and filter-bag load. Baiting on the flat board lower the height of device. It is widely used in industry such as cereals & oils, foods, chemical, medical, and cement, for gas-dust separating and material recycle at ordinary temperature.